The Tickling Honda drove really fast. Faster even than Mummy when she had her Angry Bottom and was all cross and grumpy with all the other cars driving next to them. Faster than Beth when you took her to the playground and she got all excited when she saw a slide. She would stomp up the steps as quickly as her little legs would carry her and then throw herself down it head first. This was what Mr Jamie did, only he was allowed to because he was a Bigger Boy who was very soon going to be going to school. Mummy got all worried when Beth did it and told her to slow down, but Beth would run back up the slide again and do her sneaky naughty face. Beth didn't like being told what to do.
Going down in the cot was a little bit like going down in a slide, actually, and it made Mr Jamie's tummy go all swooshy and splooshy. Beth thought it was brilliant. She stood up grabbing onto the cot bars and shouted VERY loudly "YABAYABAYABAYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABA." Mr Jamie shook his head at her.
"Beth, shush. You need to be quiet. The Tickling Honda is going to make this cot go next to Mummy's car and then we are going to sneak out and get the sat nav so we can find our way to the Tickling Honda's island. You want to go and see his hammock don't you? And his statue of the big bottom?" Beth nodded. "Well then sit down and be as small and quiet as you possibly can, and then no one will know we are here." And Beth, incredibly, actually lay down and put her head down as though she was going to sleep and Mr Jamie covered her bottom up with his Ben 10 duvet. Beth always went to sleep with her bottom poking up in the air. Babies were weird like that.
Mr Jamie had only just got Beth to lie down when all of a sudden there was a big CRAAAAAASH sound and the cot stopped very suddenly. Beth did a surprised face but then remembered what she was meant to be doing and lay back down again quickly. Mr Jamie looked around.
"Oh well DONE Tickling Honda. That's Mummy's car just there, and the sat nav's right inside it. But how will we get it out? Mummy will have locked it, and she's probably lost her keys like she does usually so you can't even go in the house and borrow those instead. What shall we do?"
"What does a sat nav look like?" asked the Tickling Honda.
"It's square and black and grey with a bit of string on the side where Mummy plugs it in to make the man start talking. She keeps it in the special glove box in the front of the car."
"Okily dokily" said the Tickling Honda, and all of a sudden he was GONE. Where had he gone? Mr Jamie couldn't see him anywhere at all. Beth couldn't have eaten him because she was still being a good girl and lying down with her bottom in the air. He wasn't under Mr Jamie's Ben 10 duvet. He wasn't on the floor next to the cot. Mr Jamie was very worried. He wanted to shout out the Tickling Honda's name but he didn't want Mummy or Daddy coming out and finding them.
Suddenly Mr Jamie felt a funny tickling feeling next to his nose. It made him want to a-a-a-a-ATCHOO! Mr Jamie sneezed VERY loudly, and when he opened his eyes there was the Tickling Honda standing back next to him again ... HOLDING THE SAT NAV!
"Tickling Honda! Where did you go?!" Mr Jamie was so excited to see the Tickling Honda again that he almost forgot to be quiet.
"I just did some special Tickling Honda magic and made myself go all tiny and got inside the car through the keyhole. Then I opened the glove box and found the sat nav and came back out again with it. I tried to land on your bottom so I could give it a secret tickle but I missed and landed on your nose instead. You sneezed and that surprised me so I forgot to do the magic any more and now I'm big again."
"Wow." Mr Jamie was so surprised he almost didn't know what to say. "My mummy would like some of that magic to make her bottom go all small. Do you know how to work the sat nav?"
"I think so ..." The Tickling Honda turned on the sat nav and typed in Tickling Honda Island, and all of a sudden it lit up and the man started talking to them. "Turn - left - and - continue - for - four - hundred - miles."
"That is a LOT of miles", said Mr Jamie. "Me and Beth are hungry and thirsty. Can we have some milk and Plookies please."
"Of course", said the Tickling Honda, and passed them over two Plookies each. Their tummies sat and wobbled and the Tickling Honda turned the cot around and set off for his island. What WERE they going to find there?